So, I knew this was coming for 9 months or so and worked towards it thinking this would be the first time ever in my life that I could say I had my very own art show. It felt a little funny, I was a little embarrassed, and very, very worried in that it is a little gallery, that is mostly a frame shop and the other art I've seen shown in there is not very good so I suppose I was being lumped in with these other amateurs, which really is what I am - especially being that this IS my Very First Art Show Of My Life.
Things I SHOULD have done:
1. Printed little postcards to send to all 3 of my friends.
2. Printed up nice and neat cards to attach to each painting.
3. Printed out a lovely, juicy bio on myself and all my art experience.
Things they SHOULD have done:
1. Not piled all my paintings in a very small section of the gallery.
You decide. Here are some photos of it all. The Great Event. I'm not sure how I will feel the first time I ever SELL a painting. Gee, aren't I lucky that that is not what is driving this? How absolutely fortunate to have the greatest art studio, access to the best teachers, travel to paint in the coolest places on the planet, paint with the best paints on the best canvas - and not have to sell anything to keep doing it?
Remember this...