Monday, May 26, 2008
"Misquoting Jesus"
I am currently reading 'Misquoting Jesus' and find it extremely interesting. The author has studied Greek and Hebrew and followed the history of the writing of the Bible and describes Christianity's obsession with the written word. I have always found it odd that the Bible is considered to be such an important book and yet, literally, it is faulty - from illiterate scribes to scribes with strong personal opinions and changes made to fit those opinions. The fact that very few people even read until so very recently adds to the perplexity of it's importance! Not nearly so like the Quoran, it does however, seem to be used more as a bat than a guide...
Colombia River Painting

This is the painting I am currently working on. I like the colors and the composition - I don't like how the foreground is finished nor do I like the horizon and sky. I want to make it more impressionistic and simpler, leaving more for the interpretation of the onlooker. I especially like the shape and size - almost square!
Memorial Day 2008

Today I am looking for a car - a Mini Cooper, I think. Gas prices are about $4.17 for premium nowadays and I am tired of using far more than my share driving this Porsche SUV. I will lose a ton of money trading in this SUV because of the gas prices, but I don't see things getting any better any time in the future, so I may as well take the hit now as later...
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