Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Krista's Shower

It's late but I thought I'd post some photos of Krista's shower we had for her here at my house on Saturday, the 7th of June.

It was really fun and I think everyone had a good time. I didn't stress out too much mostly because I worked on it for days in advance but hey, at least, there wasn't much to be done the day of!
We played some games (thanks to Kirsten) - we paired up and turned a roll of toilet paper into a baby bonnet and diaper and we puffy painted on 2 little onesies and Krista got to taste baby food and guess what it was.

I am amazed what they make now - entire dinners in a jar! You can see by the photos, she didn't care much for them.

We ate - fruit salad, cheese & crackers and strawberry cheesecake - and Krista opened gifts. It was great fun and so nice to get to know Krista's family better!


Gruntled Minion said...

Hey mom! Just wanted to let you know that we started a blog too. Its http://flynnandkrista.blogspot.com/

Talk to you later!

david santos said...

Excellent post. Good persons and nice colors.
Hapy day